OverHead Water Tank

An overhead water tank is one of the best amenities a housing society needs. The overhead water tank provides water facilities all over the housing society fluently. Clean water and fluent service are human rights, and Al Noor Town fulfills this need with its giant and reliable overhead water tank which is available 24/7.

Overhead water tank in Al Noor Town
Commercial Area in Al Noor Town


Another amenity in the list of amenities of Al Noor Town is the commercial area. Commercial area blesses the businesses a new life, the stronger the area is, the stronger companies will get. Al Noor Town dominated with the commercial area in every block and offered a golden chance to the business community.


If we talk about the beauty of a housing society, without a theme park it does not mean the way it should. Al Noor Town focused on beauty as other departments and brought 2 amazing theme parks to the sight so citizens of Al Noor Town could feel the open and beautiful environment closely.

Theme Park in Al Noor Town
Grand Mosque in Al Noor Town


A mosque is the highest valued place of any community, town or any habitable place. Al Noor Town is blessed with 2 Grand Mosques which are magnificent and graceful.

24/7 Security in amenities


A secure environment is the key to a healthy society and Al Noor Town ensures it in every possible way. We are providing 24/7 security with 24/7 active guards and surveillance cameras.

Sewerage System in Al Noor Town


At our core, we’re dedicated to providing the best sewerage system possible. Our facilities ensure clean and reliable waste management, fostering a healthy environment for residents and businesses alike.

Carpeted Roads in Al Noor Town

Roads & Streets

Following the rules of TMA, Al Noor Town offers more than enough. From streets to roads we ensure that you feel comfortable while walking and riding. Al Noor Town’s great web of carpeted roads and streets not only connects each and every part in the best way but also enhances the beauty of the town.